Wednesday, March 11, 2009


okay, it is a little fun to see what famous people are on twitter.

i was pleased to find "I am diddy". here's a tweet from him that i think is kinda sweet:

May god bless your day!!! Imma lay down for a couple Leave me a positive message to wake up to. Love yall!!


Karen said...

I can't think of anything nice to say about this, and I've been trying for 10 minutes!

Pdiddy. Twitter. Both weird.

bobbione8y said...

he he.

i think that i was hoping for that response, actually.

i am not really a pdiddy fan. ps. is he still p.? or just diddy?

so confused.

KristieLou said...

Twitter and I might be turning over a new leaf. I am starting not to hate it. Especially since I started following all the cool christian musicians out there. Now its totally fun ;)

carey said...

i said no to facebook and caved but this girl is not going to tweet any of you, ever.

bobbione8y said...

lou, do you mean you are NOT following p. diddy? :)


carey, you said no to hoop and earring and dark jeans too.

Karen said...

So. No tweeting, no wallpaper and no floral foam moose for me!

I did, however, get my first Martha magazine in the mail yesterday. I think I'll probably blow off the crafty stuff, but there is plenty otherwise (food, gardening) to feast on!

bobbione8y said...

kirst and i both do martha, mostly for the pictures.

it's all just a drem, i cannot attain her level in my life. which is probably fine.

it IS fun to follow her on twitter. she SAYS it's really her, but i'm not sure i believe it.

Anonymous said...


My money is on Karen and Carey both tweeting within a year. Whaddya think?

On another note, of all the famous people tweeting, you chose Pdiddy? Huh.

K~ said...

bobbi and pdiddy??? that's kind of a nice thought. K~

Chris said...

I know I should know this, but what is Twitter? I mean I have heard of it but have not seen it. How is it different form Fb?