so, it's 9 degrees right now. funny how that doesn't matter, once your brain decides it's spring. i have been resisting temptation to look at seed catalogs, but this morning i caved. placed an order at botanical interests, with strict restrictions on myself to spend no more than $25.
yes, the reason i ordered this year from botanical, is because of their packaging. for the record, i've bought their stuff (which is mostly organic & heirloom seed) in greenhouses before. so i am not just buying the artwork, i hope.
i made a pretty utilitarian list...but somehow, the "fun stuff" made it's way in there too, like carnival carrots, edamame (won't THAT be fun to try!) beans, and zebra tomatoes.
better get some potting soil. not much longer to wait :)
happy spring, ya'll.
Whatthaheck is a zebra tomato???
So cool that I get to go through another spring with you. Is this three??
Oh, nevermind. TM just pointed them out to me. :-)
oh man! hope you're ready to teach me how to garden my new back yard! I'm pretty clueless...
oh cassie. i will share seeds with you. last year, i had about a bajillion too many :))
edamame! from home! cool, huh?
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