Friday, February 06, 2009


i was deeply disturbed yesterday to stumble upon this poem in the new york times. i was sucked into it at first, because of the language and especially the beauty of maira kalman's artwork. but the excitement soon turned sour when i realized it was a worshipful rant aimed at our new president.

for the record, the source of my upsetness is that the word "hallelujah" comes directly from the Hebrew language. it means "praise Yahweh". It is an exclamation used chiefly in songs of praise or thanksgiving to God, and as an expression of gratitude or adoration.

it occurs to me that somehow, our country has confused a political role with the role of our Father in Heaven. this in no way speaks criticism to the president himself, except for the possibility that he endorses such idiocy, at a time when our hurting country needs a Savior. instead, we have a generation of people prompted to stand for SOMEthing. a people - all of us - misdirected, i fear.

so last night at the Jeremy Camp/Bebo concert, my heart REJOICED to hear jeremy break out into the song "hallelujah." i felt my spirit soar, as if God said "praise ME and i shall deliver you."

i wish mr. president well. may he be given the wisdom to lead our country with honor and grace through whatever lies ahead.

but even more, i PRAISE YAHWEH for his ability to lead us into eternity, and care for us in ways that no man ever could.

wow. i guess i have been on the pulpit this week.


Karen said...

Oh, good grief. Seriously, good grief (yes, Bubba, you heard me).

This is stupid. And kind of scary. People really do think Obama will be their savior. Ridiculous, and frightening for what it means for our country.

AND...I'm really jealous, b/c I didn't know you were hanging out with Jeremy last night.

bobbione8y said...

well, i am not going to let them take THAT word. i'll fight for it :)

Jeremy rocks. and is just a sweet spirit, it was the 8th anniversary of his wife's death. he talked about how he has been healed by God. you would have liked it.

Karen said...

He talked about her when I saw him in Vegas, too. I wonder how the new wife feels about that.

I'll fight with you.