yesterday a girlfriend stopped over at my house, and we went on an impromptu car ride.
not a big deal, except she has a convertible! woo hoo. they are fun :)
(no, this is not her car, in actuality there were a couple "kid-friendly" seats in the back)
i have just made up a new rule: everybody needs to ride in a convertible every once in awhile or they are not really living....thanks annie :)
Next time head south and pick me up too!
I would like to respectfully beg to differ. You're not really living until you spend 4 million hours driving across the country over three days with no shower. The smell alone is proof of life.
yes, THAT would be a little much even for a convertible.
glad you are still bloggin' tho Karen :))))
hi DeAnn! when do i get to meet you in person?!
Ha. When I first saw your headline I thought you were writing about websites. We top down when we are organizing the site :)
I am with you, convertibles are the best!!!
you forgot to mention that the kids in the back were cranky and screaming!
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