Monday, July 30, 2007

oh boy

intermittently throughout the day, i read blogs. some of them are random people across the country that i've come to stalk regularly. i know i'm not the only one who does this, even if it is a little weird.

anyway, today i am thankful i am not THIS guy, who is caring for these baby raccoons who lost their mom. he's having a bit of a hard time not loving them, but if it were me, they would already be named eeny, meeny, miney, and mo, and i would have a whole living "suite" set up for them in the basement.

if you see any stray raccoons, no matter WHAT you are thinking of doing with them, please don't bring them over. my heart could not STAND it.

1 comment:

K~ said...

Oh Man. How sweet Bob!! Yeah I too would be the last one to take them in!! I am trying to say no to a golden lab that needs a home. I have agreed on 2 turtles that need a home. They will be here this fall. AAAAHHHHH. I just love them all! K~