garage sale with sher and kristie, mostly for the company, not the goods. although i did find a nice little turquoise "mixette" to go with my big girl mixer, and made some pretty good cupcakes (searching for a good wedding cupcake recipe!!) with the sassy little one!

garage sale immediately followed by fabric shopping with kristie! we found some UNBELIEVABLE DEALS, and i have enough fabric to furnish my next house...whenever i buy it, that is :)
speaking of, i AM thinking of buying another house. apparently, one is not quite enough. this "project house" is right next door to me, and my neighbors will be putting it on the market soon. have not seen the inside yet, but it MIGHT make a good house for my biz, and my dream of "flipping" houses. only time and prayer will tell!

okay, back to the weekend. lush garden land that i spend alot of time in. esp. in the morning, reading the Bible and reflecting on the day. aaahhhhhhh. i could do this forever.

first canned tomato experience in my whole life! hint: it's messy :) ha. but since i cannot quite eat them yet, i am canning them for the future, and i have HOPE that i will be able to eat tomatoes before the season is over!

and finally, sunday evening spent with geoff moore, literally it felt like he came over to the house and sang. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. his sweet sweet personality and funny stories and absolutely heavenly voice are enough for me. i am content.
i know i left some things out. but you get the idea. weekends are good, aren't they? what did you do for yours?
Weekend? Was there a weekend? I can honestly say that I have no earthly idea what day it is. I guess it's all weekend here. :-)
Yours sounds wonderful, though!
1. flip the house
2. sell it to me
3. be my neighbor
home soon! (THIS SUNDAY!!)
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