A few weeks ago (when i road tripped to the black hills) i was listening to a tape by mike bickle of the international house of prayer in kansas city. mike is doing deep, relevant work about the end of days and how God is preparing His "bride" for the wedding feast! in this particular tape, he was talking about the "seven longings of the human heart" that God has placed in us.
ever since then, whenever i hear about ANY desire or need that people have, i always think of this idea! i ordered the book from amazon this morning. i am not surprised that God would place SEVEN longings in our hearts, are you?
anyway, will tell you more after i read it.
for now, here are the longings.
1. The longing for assurance that we are loved.
2. The longing for enjoyment.
3. The longing to be beautiful.
4. The longing to be great.
5. The longing for intimacy without shame.
6. The longing to be wholehearted and passionate.
7. The longing to make a deep and lasting impact.
i can relate to EVERY SINGLE ONE of these strongly. more importantly, i think we all can. and because we are made in the image of God, it's not a surprise that in Him, each of these longings is consummated and reflected in His longings for our lives and our hearts!
whew. so cool. i will share more about these points as i read. mike b. gives a very "sensible" explanation of each one! and how so many times, we spend our whole lives trying to fulfill these longings by looking to the wrong thing. a person, an activity, a job, a hobby or skill, or something "just out of reach" that we know could satisfy our lives.
just had to share.
1 comment:
Can't WAIT to hear more!!!
My thoughts at first were of the smart-alek variety. Like, only seven?? What about a bed? And a shower? And a closet to put my clothes in???
But truthfully, he sounds dead-on. It's amazing how many things we have come up with to fill the holes that are meant to be filled by a relationship with our Creator..
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