wow. i feel like i woke up with slightly better vision today than i had yesterday. which is quite unusual, esp. since i have worn glasses since the third grade.
nope, not talking about my actual vision. today, i feel like i have my "God glasses" on! last night, i had my worship group over here and wow, we had a great night of prayer and praise! my house is still feeling it this morning!
okay, back to the god glasses. see, i used to think of myself as such a "smart" person. in fact, i think of all of the "identities" i have grasped onto in my life thus far (artsy girl, nature girl, small town girl, sensitive girl, funny girl, fat girl) - being the smart one was my very favorite. oh yeah, and i have been positively reinforced for being smart most of my life too. in school, and in my jobs - in my parents' case, it was a mixed blessing because most of the time i let them know i was smarter than THEY were, when i was growing up.
but these days, i have a differing opinion about my smarts. i have realized that i HAVE NONE unless i can see things the way that the Lord sees them. in Luke 10 (message bible, which i like lately), He talks about just this:
Jesus rejoiced, exuberant in the Holy Spirit. "I thank you, Father, Master of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the know-it-alls and showed them to these innocent newcomers. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.
so there you have it. once, i was a "know-it all" and now i am priviledged to be a newcomer to the family of God. i get to see what He shows me, when He shows me, and know great things that are the deep secrets of Himself. i don't know it all anymore, but what i do know is WAY more valuable!
i pray a round of God glasses for each of you today!
Oooooh, I've had a little tiny taste of this in the last week. In my Names of God (yes, I need to post another Name) the author encourages us to ask God to show us our sin through His eyes. Wow. Yucky and not nearly so tempting. Thanks for the prayer, I want the Coke-bottle glasses in this regard!
And seriously, I hold myself back with carping on you non-capitalizing bloggers, but you HAVE to go back and give GOD a capital "G." Sheesh.
oh for crying out loud.
i do make sure to capitolize God always, but since it was an adjective describing the glasses, NOT Him per se, i did not.
see, i actually thought about it! thanks for pointing out my error :)
I think that only works if you are ascribing the power behind the glasses to ANY god, and not specifically to THE God...
yeah. i get it :)
i have asked Him to forgive me.
but i still do not want to do the cap thing all the time. too much work.
he he.
I'll let you off the hook with everything else. Just remember that the priests didn't even SPEAK God's name, or write it down, for fear of disrespect. I think you, my dear, can stretch your little pinky over and capitalize it. :-}
Oh Bobbi, you have just been red penned by Karen, how are ya feelin?:) You two crack me up.
Smart girls!
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