he he he. listen to this.
katie over at an unnamed agency in town just linked to a great site talking about the "creative process" and how sensitive artists are. which led to this even greater audio clip where Orson Welles loses his mind over a c0mmercial about peas.
i like how he is throwing a hissy fit, but still sounds so "proper" - easy on the ears, as he would say.
yep, this is about how important my job is some days also :)
That is so so Rich! That is me all the way. I laughed out loud!! Thanks. K~
there are not words for how funny this is. when he says "not REWARDING" i about died. and "crumb crisp coating" is well, classic comedy.
dana carvey has nothing on ole orson.
That is so true. I liked how absolutely serious he was. He just couldn't say those words.... K~
I can't wait to check this out in the privacy of my own home. I have a sneaking suspicion the library crowd may not sppreciate peas as much as I think I will...
oh. it's good. i am going to listen again today :)
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