okay, here i go again with the amazing inventions.
yesterday i went to visit my folks for awhile, mom and dad have the most prolific set of apple trees ever. this year, the apples are a bit smaller than usual (hot weather?) but still, the branches are just loaded.
so, i took a few home to play with :)
i was going thru my canning books last night - WHAT TO MAKE? let's see, i love apple butter, apple sauce, apple jam, apple crisp, dried apples and apple pie in a jar. that's just for starters.
then i remembered that a number of years ago, i bought this gizmo at my friend's pampered chef party that was supposed to peel apples fast. i also remember where it is, because last summer phillip made me take all "unnecessary" kitchen items to the basement, so he had room to actually cook!
so, here's the deal. this thing MADE MY DAY...and it's really almost too soon for that, but wow, it is magic. basically, you just hook it up to the kitchen counter, stab an apple onto the thing, and turn a crank. not only does it peel the apple, it also cores AND slices the apple into perfect rings!!!!!! fun. yes, it's fun to use this contraption. the biggest trouble is getting the core off the "sticker" when you are done, but a butter knife seems to work pretty well.
so, i now have a big pot of applesauce brewing on the stove, and lots of day left to enjoy!!
thanks Kirsten, i want 2 more of these for my mom and my aunt :))
Hey Bob!! I am so glad you love that product. It is quite the gadget. I will be happy to set you up. Apple sauce sounds really good right now. K~
Wow - that thing looked a little scary until I read your post. Now it makes sense!
Also, just so you know, I LOVE apple butter...hint, hint :-)
yep, it does look like a torture device!!
but you never know, there might be apple butter in everyone's christmas stocking this year :))
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