sigh. after a hugely busy few weeks, i was all ready for a nice slow weekend... had a lot of canning to do, and cleaning of the house that is turning into an antique shop :)
when kristie lou called and suggested a "fall market day" venture that was supposedly happening over in luverne, i was all "yes, i need to get out of the house."
turned into a just-exactly-what-i-needed day.
we never really did see the fall market, but had a nice little road trip venture. we ended up in ortonville, mn, which according to google maps is 162 miles north of here, but via minnesota on the route we took it was probably closer to 200 miles. that's big stone lake up above. i had never been there, and kind of always heard about it. it's so pretty, almost like the duluth area, but quieter and a little more rural.
on the way up there, we visited pipestone, lake benton, canby and assorted other teenier towns along the way. we hopped over to milbank, and headed down I-29 to go home at the end of the day. we thrifted, ate at fun places, found houses to buy, enjoyed the pretty scenery, and chatted non-stop.
next time, we'll bring a cooler with drinks, good walking shoes, and our kayaks ;)
or maybe, we'll just head out and do exactly what we did this time. because it was super relaxing, and still made us feel slightly adventurous!
Man that's beautiful. I'm a little jealous. The weekend over here consisted of manual labor and chauffeuring kids. On the up-side, the weather was perfect, and most of the labor was out of doors.
Ohhhh I so love girl road trips.
I could just sit and look at that picture foreeeeever.
Awesome! Sounds, and looks, like you had a great time.
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