thank goodness for target.
i need a pair of shoes that does not involve showing toes.
plus, i need to be able to wear them for 6 hours today.
cha ching! i think these are pretty cute, and should do the trick. i'll let ya know....after the 6 hours are up :)
I know this won't surprise you...but I have a pair exactly like that ;)
Um, so do I.
that is hilarious!!
they are comfy, aren't they? 6 hours, no prob!!
They are perfect for the average work day, but they did not hold up well during entire day at the Mall of America. That was not pretty.
I like!
HEELS at the Mall of America???????
I only wear heels to church, and even then the hub has to drop me at the door.
same six hour meeting. i opted for dansco clogs, but still wished i had my asics :)
Hmmmm I wear heels every DAY!
i didn't even think of these as "heels" until you guys started talking about it :)
now, i'm afraid. ha.
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