the need: a watering can for inside the house, to accomodate the 27 succulents i crazily bought a couple of months ago, which must be kept indoors for winter.
should be sort of cute, and have a smallish tip for the teeny tiny plants/pots.
the 1st purchase: a green metal can from home depot (last weekend) that holds like - A GLASS - of water, but is cute and has a small tip. $9.99
the next purchase: a thrifted salmon plastic can with embossed butterflies that is big enough to hold more than a half gallon, still with a small tip. $.50
yep. shoulda trusted that one would show up.
anybody want a good used (once) green watering can?
Funny. :-)
I'm going to a thrift store today. Will report back later.
I love thrifting.
I love you.
We should go thrifting together, soon...
but rani, will we fight over all the good stuff?
:) he he.
One pair of brand new Lucky Jeans (me)
One pair like new LL Bean snowpants (TM)
One pair like new black sweatpants (me)
!! score 3 for thrifting.
before long, you won't even THINK about the mall :)
I do hate the mall...
I could have totally bought more, but was on a $20 allowance.
i give myself an allowance, too. usually it's whatever is in my wallet, which is never more than $20, and usually around $5 bucks.
that's the funnest part :)
My Oliver would take your little green can... if you seriously don't want it! We looked at that one this past spring for his birthday. (I ended up getting him the shovel, hoe, trowel and wheel barrow instead.) Such a happy little can though... I think you should keep it around!
send him over, Anne. i'll be glad to help a small green gardener take care of his crops :)
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