Sunday, September 13, 2009

it went something like this.

him: hey, over here!!! lady, look at me. i'm a tall brown dusty piece of work!

me: oh, hello. you are kinda cute, but i have had a bunch of your kind before.

him: oh, no. i'm totally different! LOOK AT ME. i'm a tall skinny chocolate brown drink of water. i'm made in idaho. you have never seen the likes of me!

me: where would i put you? i don't want to be the weird old lady with the ceramic deer!

him: i fit almost anywhere. plus, i'd totally match your living room! c'mon lady. quit holding out on me, you know you want me.

me: sigh. if you PROMISE you'll be the last one. you have to promise that.

him: i'm not making any promises, lady. clearly, you have a little problem saying no to my kind.


Chris said...

You are so cute! I love it!!

Karen said...

You've gotta watch out for those talking deer! They'll get you every time.

K~ said...

i like this a lot! K~

K~ said...

i like this a lot! K~