73.2 miles. that's how far away Carey is now. last night, when i finally heard from her that she was "there" and (somewhat) settled, i started thinking about how God has been easing me into the change for a longggggggggg time.
i first got attached to the proximity to her when we worked at the agency. she had a corner office, not nearly as glamorous as you would think. it was a great haven to escape to, and i loved it. so much so, that when the powers that be decided to move all the writers to the other side of the building, i pretty much had a meltdown. i still remember how much it sucked to walk that long hallway to the new "upscale" office on the other side. i hated that room for quite awhile, then slowly, it too became my haven.
then, when i quit the agency, i decided that i was not going to let distance separate. so she and i would do lunch, quite abit it seems, although i am kind of foggy on how many days per week it actually WAS. my fave memory of that time was the driving around, looking at houses in the fancy part of town, sharing our oh-so-different lives...
one step further down the road when she too decided to leave the agency. from then on, we had to plan our lunches, which now seem much more like luxury than anything. that's when we got really dependent on THIS beast, the blog. some days i think i only talk to her thru this, which is really kind of silly, considering we work together almost as much as way back in the beginning.
and now, as of monday, she is even further away. visiting her from now on will officially involve a "road trip." i find it strange that i kind of love mitchell. i have always gotten such a happy feeling when i have been there before, on business and such. now, i know why. it's because part of my heart lives there :)
glad you are finally "home" my friend :)
yes, when you put it a 72.3 miles, it DOES seem kinda far away. but when you put it as "i'll call you and email you and blog daily and then some" it's not so bad. He has been easing ME into the Mitchell transition from the day I met my husband. Ha. I can't tell you how often I think that. If we wouldn't have taken the Montrose exist first for 12 years, I would have balked at Mitchell for the rest of our lives. He knew what He was doing. And still does, I'm pretty sure.
Amen to that, sister ;)
we'll live next door in Heaven :)
So I'm reading that Heaven book, and it would seem that the real, final Heaven is the New Earth, which sounds much like this one, minus the sin, death and destruction. I'm thinking that you really could be next door neighbors. Imagine a garden with no weeds!
Wow, that was a sweet heartfelt post. It is only a change you two, and a very do-able drive:)
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