yesterday phil had the day off because of the weather, and i ended up taking most of the afternoon off with "post-big-meeting-relief" and laziness.
we ended up watching "end of the spear" finally. i think it came out 2 years ago? dunno.
anyway, it was a good flick. of COURSE i cried at the end. if you have not heard of the movie, it's about 5 christian missionaries who are killed by a remote ecuadorian tribe in the 50s. with a twist, of course.
the little boy in the movie totally TOTALLY reminded me of the oldest j boy. i think that made the movie better for me. although it's not a movie for little kids, if you are a big kid you should watch it!
sounds like a good one, i'll be curious to see what a boy is like to remind you of jace...:)
i need to watch that. i went through an elisabeth elliot phase in college and read a bunch of her books. i highly recommend 'in the shadow of the almighty' -- a collection of jim's journal writings. it's really humbling to read how spiritually mature he was at such a young age. definitely a good read -- it's challenging and puts life in perspective.
Yikes. I am too much of a chicken for this, I think. Or maybe not. I'll see if the hub wants to watch it with me.
Do you think a 15-year old could handle it?
you know, the movie is violent because of the subject matter, but i think with a conscious. i could tell the filmakers were thinking about the audience, and trying not to scare the bejeebers out of them.
i would think it's fine for a teenager.
yes, the film makers were conscious, and they also had a conscience ;)
he he.
Glad to hear it, I want to keep my bejeebers!
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