Monday, November 10, 2008

whatever is

on the heels of a tough emotional election week, i read a blog post the other day that picked a favorite scripture to sum things up.

i think i'll do the same today.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phillipians 4:8

whatever is true?
in this time of uncertainty in our world, i believe that Jesus is true. He was, is, and is to come. and the security i get from knowing that is the TRUEST of truth i have ever experienced.

whatever is honorable?
my cute husband-to-be is honorable. after many, many years of not living honorably, he has made the choice to do so. he is a different man than he was. he is learning to live the life God meant for him, and that is honorable. i am grateful for his choice.

whatever is just?
treating people as you would like to be treated is just. it's good to remember, as we enter this season of giving. democrat or republican, black or white, it's "just" to offer a hand when we can. i hope that we all can find ways to practice that over the holiday season.

whatever is pure?
life, and the joy of experiencing new life. on the heels of the defeat of the abortion ban here in SD, a sweet friend has announced she is pregnant. and her baby-to-come is a pure joy to all of us that love her. thank you Lord!

whatever is lovely?
today, after i read her blog post, i think that chris is lovely, and her little furry friends are, too. susan is lovely too, in her tribute to her wonderful grandma. isn't loving lovely?

whatever is commendable?
the presence of good, and the acknowlegement of choosing it, is commendable. in these days of "talk tv," it's commendable to spend our words wisely. to speak of things that build up, rather than tear down. that's my hope for myself this week – to focus on the good, and to become a person that makes this world better.

happy monday all!


Cassie said...

amen! a beautiful post, bob...

Chris said...

I think you are lovely too! Thank you for such a sweet post that makes me think.

cherk said...

Love this post. This election seemed to be a confusing time for many. And I too hope that I can do my part to follow what you have written in some small way and as an individual make a difference each day.

K~ said...

I really liked this post Bob! I liked how you broke down the scripture. Neat! I will do that some time. I also like how Phillipians 4 is coming up a lot in the blogs. It is by far one I refer to most often. I really find comfort in almost every situation when I read it. K~

Karen said...

I need to read this every day. It's 8:07 and I am already tired...I need to focus on the good, the lovely, the just, commendable, the pure, the good report, and not on the endless demands of my day. Thanks.