Wednesday, November 26, 2008

countdown to turkey day

number of trips to the grocery store: 3

number of pies baked for big day so far: 1

number of pies that did not make it past the "midnight snack" or "just one slice for breakfast" stage: 1

number of pies left to bake: 1, 2 or 3 depending on energy consumed in process

number of almost-sliced-off fingers in baking process: 1

number of dishes yet to prepare: 27

morning's left until you have to BAKE A FREAKING TURKEY:


K~ said...

Oh Dear Bob, What have you gotten yourself into!! How many people are coming? Can I have some of that awesome beautiful looking pecan pie? K~

Anonymous said...

bobbi, that pie crust is absolutely amazing! are those little leaves? wow! seriously, if you can make a pie crust like that, you'll have no trouble with a turkey.

i made my first turkey back in college for a bunch of foreign exchange students. at that point, my cooking experience was basically nil. if i can stick a turkey in a bag (which i highly recommend, by the way) and have it turn out perfectly, you can too!

good luck. and happy thanksgiving! :)

Karen said...

Is that YOUR pie crust? If it is, I'm coming over.

27? Seriously?

bobbione8y said...

nah.. just kidding about the 27 :)

ellen, i DID buy the bag, i'm not too worried, except that i am a novice, and i don't much like to be a novice...he he.

3rdly, the leaves are pressed from a pampered chef cookie cutter into a pillsbury preformed crust. not alot to take credit for. very pretty tho, i recommend trying it!

happy turkey day!

Karen said...

If I made that crust, it would take me three Pillsbury boxes and fourteen cuss words...and then the peeps would devour it without noticing it was pretty.

Still coming over.

Karen said...

Is Phil going to stick his hand in the turkey butt for you? That's how I knew Trevor was The One.
