after spending the weekend with kirsten, i am starting to think about the benefits of communal living. how GREAT it would be to have a woman friend living in your house with you all of the time! to commiserate! to chat when the man-folk just want to play video games! to actually offer to help! to compliment you on nearly everything!
yes. the weekend was good. yes, we sat around alot and crocheted, but also visited and shopped too. and slept. did alot of good sleeping.

however, being the ding dong i am, i forgot to take any photos. i have asked for one of THESE for christmas, not that it would help me remember to use it.
thanks kirst :)
yep, if another woman would come live here and do all the cooking and cleaning and driving of small children, my life would be set. but i guess that's not really communal living, is it? he he...
I think it's awesome that you lost yourself so much in the weekend that you didn't think about photos and blogging!
My new sewing machine is arriving today, you'd better come give me lessons.
Hey Bob, I forgot too! That's too funny. K~
karen, i have sewn with one machine in my life, a 1970's (60's?) version "white" brand machine with a zig zag foot and a button holer.
i hope that is what your new machine is, so that i can help you :)
Um, yeah. It's a Bernina quilter fancy thing. Will let you know when I open it tomorrow, but I'm praying that Mel sent the instruction book.
Bobbi, you forgot about aligning PMS.
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