Wednesday, August 06, 2008

pray tell

can anybody tell me WHY i love these so much?! i mean seriously, they have, like, 2 bites of faux food in them. and a large plastic container. and yet, they. are. so. yummy. especially when eaten once every three or four years, as i am wont to do.

am i the only one?!


Karen said...


I do like the mexican tv dinners. Does that count?

DeAnn said...

I think I may have eaten one too many of those in college because I just can't myself to eat one again. So it's been about 15 years I guess. I hear they are good so I'll just go with that!

K~ said...

yes, one needs those now and again. I think it might be the high salt content that makes them so so good! K~

carey said...

we used to have salisbury steak tv dinners as a special occasion when i was a kid. they were our fancy dinners. tee hee.

does that count?

Chris said...

Umm, yeah. I can't join you here Bobbi. That just looks plain yucky to me, sorry. I do love me some Lean Cuisine though!