Thursday, April 10, 2008

you've got to be kidding me

nothing warms the soul like waiting for a blizzard that is predicted to bring up to a foot of snow by tomorrow...which is mid April, in case you have forgotten.

do you think God is trying to teach me a thing or two about perserverance?



Karen said...

Perseverance and Patience, my two favorite lessons.

I seem to get those as often as you, just not in the same form.

Somehow, all my troubles seem to be self-induced.


Thinking of all ya'll today, praying for the storm to pass you by.

Karen said...

Well? What's the word? Are you up to your eyeballs in snow?

K~ said...

Hey bob, I'm with you. We have not gotten the snow that you guys are expecting. But everything else is about the same. Blowing winds, rain, ice and snow. Some sleet. I tell ya. K~

bobbione8y said...

i hate when you believe all the stuff that "they" say will happen. and worry. for nothing.

it is crappy here, but nothing big. we probably got 3" of snow.

i need to learn to relax and not let the big scary forecast affect me :)

Karen said...

Let me know when you figure that one out. The relaxing, that is. It's almost harder than patience and perseverance, don't you think?