Sunday, February 17, 2008

french bread, experiment #1

recipe: back of bread flour package
appearance: perfectly imperfect; golden
texture: flakey outside, fairly dense inside
taste: yummy, but phillip says "yeasty"
devourability: half loaf with homemade spaghetti sauce

the quest is on - to find the perfect french bread recipe. needs to be very light in texture. i think it may have something to do with the rising/punching down/rising factor.

oh. it's good to have goals :)


Chris said...

Everytime I look at this picture I want a piece. I'm hungry!

Karen said...

Will get you my recipe soon. My mom always checked the doneness of bread by smelling it for yeast. I bet if you had baked it just a little bit longer, the yeasty factor would not be an issue.