so let's see.
how about we post about books? not that when one HAS a desperate bout with diarrhea that one has more actual TIME for books. no relationship there at all. nosirreee.
well, okay. i've been laying flat on my back lately and reading books. how's that for a crazy intro to a blog post?
the furious longing of God by brennan manning |
every bush is burning by brandon clements |
the eve tree by rachel devenish ford |
farming as a spiritual discipline by ragan sutterfield |
maggie come lately by michelle buckman |
since i got the kindle last christmas, i admit that i have used it mostly for daily devotions and my monthly magazine subscriptions. both fun and bringing almost daily use, but i have never really delved much into books, mostly because of the cost. i'm not really into spending $9.99 every time i want to try out a book. mostly because i do tend to choose poorly, and then the $9.99 goes down the drain.
then, somebody (rani - was it you?) told me about
i signed up awhile ago, but kind of figured it was too good to be true. that mostly only reject books went to live there. as i remember (and as I look at the selections above) - i think you can tailor it to your likes - in my instance, i think christian/christian fiction must have been in there somewhere.
and so every day i get an email with a list. it only takes a sec to see the selections of the day. i suppose i download (now that i have started using it) maybe 2 or 3 books a week.
which means my kindle is pretty loaded up right now! lots of choices to read....i have finished a couple of the ones above (LOVE brennan manning!) and just started 'every bush is burning' last night. it looks good.
so - if you're ever down and out for a bit, and need some free stock for your e*reader, head on over. tell em i sent ya.
happy day!