so, i'm in a narrowing process for names for the new house. it's harder than you might think :)
help me by telling me if anything strikes a chord with you.
1) fern. for obvious reasons.
2) bob. in honor of the old owner. i'm not really sure yet, because the house has 80-year-old man vibes, if it is actually a boy or a girl. i sort of hope it's not a boy.
3) louise. i was thinking of 'movin' on up' and the jeffersons. and 'wheezy' - the only problem is that sometimes i call siesta 'wheezy'....don't want the two of them to get confused.
4) betty. like the wife from mad men. i have a few relatives named betty, but overall, no negative associations. and betty could be stylin'. and betty sounds good with bert (car). i think i may be leaning toward betty.
notice that it is taking me longer to NAME the house, than it did to buy it.
Wheezy. Or Florence? Lionel?
lionel? he he he he he....
I 100% vote for Fern! My grandmas name was Ethel Fern Weiberg...but she went by Fern, because she hated the name Ethel. Although Ethel could be a good house name also :)
i do like the name fern. and i really like the name ethel!
i also kind of like fern louise :)
Sorry, but she is clearly a Beatrix. :P (Means 'voyager, traveller'. Also associated with 'blessed'.) Plus, who doesn't love Beatrix Potter? And then you could call her Betty for short!
I think that Season 5 of Mad Men will reveal deep dark secrets of Betty. And not the good kind. No vote on Betty for me.
oh. Beatrix.
see, this is getting good!
ok Rea, you got me researching! meaning of the name Fern (root is Fernanda)....
Fernanda \f(e)-rnan-da, fer-na-nda\ as a girl's name is pronounced fer-NAHN-dah. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Fernanda is "adventurous; bold journey".
I am german! i love ferns! this particular house-purchase is the boldest thing i have ever done :)
And Betty means 'God's promise' - also a German name.
notice how many of these names reference God. i love that.
Is Fern only female? I always pictured the house male. Fern could totally be a boy. He is a boy who dances, wears patagonia clothes and discovers small frogs under rocks along the trail. His hair is probably a little longer and he rarely wears shoes. Huck Finn - ish. I think boy.... not man. He is young. Just starting out. The journey is ahead.
It is also my thought that the pine in the back should have a name. And that they work, in some way, together (not necessarily just the names, but the couple).
um. no. fern is a girl, anne. and yes, the house has man vibes, i HOPE because an 80+ year old man lived there. i want/need to erase all the man vibes asap....he he.
as for the tree, i lay hands on my trees and pray for them, however, i have yet to name one...perhaps this tree will be a first :)
Fern all the way, I love the character Fern in Charlotte's Web.
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