Wednesday, April 07, 2010

there's always a day before

i read this post yesterday, after getting sucked into this website. it seems the man who wrote the post died earlier this week, at the age of only 53.

as someone who tends to spend waaaaaaaaaaay too much time worrying about things that never come to pass, i thought it was a beautiful piece of prose.

Live each day as the day that all of the Gospel is true.

Live this day and be glad in it.

Live this day as the day of laying down sin and taking up the glad and good forgiveness of Jesus.

Live this day determined to be useful and joyful in Jesus.

Live this day in a way that, should all things change tomorrow, you will know that the Lord is your God and this is the day to be satisfied in him.


carey said...

your post prompted me to take the workmen outside all of my remaining mountain dews.

not sure if that was what you and God were intending, but it sure made them smile.

i don't care what any of you say. mountain dew is the international language of love.

Karen said...

I just got home from a yoga/threading/lunchandcoffee date with the New Girlfriend. As we sat eating Pho and Springrolls, I told her my whole testimony. I don't even know where it came from, but wham! she's got it now!

How cool is that?

bobbione8y said...

karen, maybe you should tell US your whole testimony some time.

i would love to hear it.

carey. you and your dew always make the days better :)

Karen said...

Yeah, that had occurred to me as I was telling it.
