it makes my mind shift into gardening season, big time.
that's probably a good thing ;)
i am about 50% of the way done with the beds around the house. they seriously don't take that much time to do, even though they were looking horrifically bad.
the back yard is next. the whole garden is there, just like it was last september. only slightly browner ;)) the bunnies obviously have spent a bit of time there, if the bunny poop is any indication. hope that tomatoes like that particular brand of fertilizer.
thank you God for spring clean up! actually, thank you for cleaning us up year-round ;)
i don't have a yard to clean up this year, but i did spend some time working on greta's yesterday. it feels good to spiff things up for spring. wishing it were a tad sunnier today...
It was rainy here so no outside time for us. I am really looking forward to doing our garden this year-last year was fun
wowie! we did that this weekend too and it feels GOOD to have it cleaned up. I think this is my year! I WILL learn to landscape!
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