Tuesday, August 04, 2009


finally, the heirloom tomatoes are trickling in. so far, the only tomatoes i have had ripen are TINY. really really little and disappointing. in conjunction with the blight, it has not left me with a very good feeling about this year's crop.

however, some of these guys look promising. they are funky shaped, that is a trademark of heirlooms. some are more pink than orange/red. i am excited to taste them!! i pick them a bit early and let them ripen in the house, so the bunnies don't chew into them.

notice the one jumbo guy though. i think maybe he might be a "mortgage lifter" - not sure because the stakes that indicate the variety are long gone. doh!! i do know that brandywines are more pink/wine colored, so i hope i can pick those out.

nummy. bring over your salt shaker and a knife, and we'll have a party :)


K~ said...

They are SOOOO big!! Bring a small bit of your harvest here. Any hybiscus flowers? Turtles may like it.K~

bobbione8y said...

i am bringing these! i just looked at them and i think they'll be perfect :)

no hibiscus this year. nasturtiums up the patooty though.

Karen said...

Been meaning to ask when you pick. I made my first batch of Roma salsa yesterday. Yummmmmmmm. Those pictured look just like my Heirlooms. Will photo when company is gone.