thank you, thank you, rani dear! somebunny dropped 6 dozen ears of yummy sweetcorn off at my doorstop yesterday!
i have gotten through about 2/3 of it by now, noon on saturday. i keep thinking about the pace of last week, the splitting headaches, the thought that my brain was running at max capacity for information retention, the dropping into bed exhausted before 10pm.
and i thought of karen's comment last week about the "work" i do on the weekends. and i realized that all of the crazy homemaker stuff i do is to help me. slow. down.
my mind is totally free when i work on projects like the corn. the husking, the washing and blanching, the cutting, the cleanup, all of it is simultaneously lowering my blood pressure, clearing my head, and filling me with thoughts of slower times, and a sense of achievement. not meaningless busy work, as we do so much of today, but REAL work that feeds your soul, as well as your body.
i made a batch of the old-fashioned "cream" corn with butter and half & half today, in memory of my grandma. i used HALF the butter that she used to, and it's still just decadent and delish. i'll probably make another batch this afternoon with the rest of the corn, just to give to friends (and my family, who is coming to visit tomorrow).
the slow down feels so good. thank you Lord for quiet saturdays :)
Happy Happy Birthday on Monday! :)
Yummy, I am hungry!
oooh, you are so very welcome! I love your cream corn recipe...makes me hungry, too.
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