not too surprised that i am missing cookie today.

did you know that there is almost nothing more relaxing than holding a bunny? seriously. she is soooooooooooooo sweet. i kind of think i could be a bunny owner. we'll see how that plays out.

i also did spend quite a bit of time with the beardys at kirsten's house. puff is very very cute and geriatric, but kind of scares me a little. he opens his mouth and looks like he is going to take a big bite out of you. ramses, poor little guy, is still not eating. he seems to like the peas that kirsten feeds him from a tube, though.

the other mammals in the house are growing up so much! and very sweet kids, by the way.

a quick visit to the wrc where kirsten works - got to see those crazy raccoons. seriously, i cannot imagine the hearts of the people who work there. verrry large.

much time was spent on the deck, surrounded by lovely plants, and of course, bing!! isn't kirsten's new haircut cute?

look at the fun birthday present i got to shop for myself! more succies! and a really cool ceramic/clay tray to put them in!
i returned home late last night. siesta is happy and fine, and the farm is starting to enter the harvest season. sigh. i love weekends away....thanks kirst ;)
So Carey should get you a bunny, instead of a lizardy thing??
That was such a nice post. you really captured the weekend. Cookie is right next to me as i right this. miss you! K~
i miss you too kirst!
karen, i should note that the birthday present was from kirsten, she just let me pick it out.
which is silly, because i am not having a birthday this year...:))
Well, no chance of lizards arriving on your doorstep if you don't have a birthday.
BTW--Today is Chris's last birthday ever!
You gotta go with a lizard, so far Bobbi has a cat that looks like mine AND a friend who has a lizard just like ours, hmmmm crazy
Happy late B-day, if you are having on!
So glad that you guys had a great time.
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