Monday, May 04, 2009

the lawnmower.

Siesta longs for what is just out of her reach...

i was about 75% done writing about week 2, no billable jobs on the horizon. when all of a sudden, God told me to write about the lawnmower. so here goes.

i have a lawnmower. it's about 6 years old, my mom and dad gave it to me for a housewarming gift. this is actually a pic i took from the web, pretty much it looks like this. i have NEVER liked the thing. very difficult to start. i began to realize WHY this spring, when kristie's dad gave it a tuneup, and told me all the things wrong - i had not maintained it, i guess i just expected it to run.

anyway, on saturday, i NEEDED to mow the grass. after a week of procrastination, the lawn looked pretty shaggy. only, dagnabit, could NOT get the dang thing started! arrrrgggh. i went and grabbed my strong-looking neighbor, and after about 15 HARD pulls on the pull thingey, he got it going. it was not too long into the "ride" when i noticed it would lose power, almost quitting a few times. then, it did quit.

it occurred to me to pray. so pray i did. "c'mon Lord. look at this grass. you know i need to mow today, and i don't know how to fix this. i already asked for help, now i need YOU." pull. lawnmower starts. sputters. i began to mow tentatively, praying constantly. "Lord, i pray you will help me get this lawn mowed. Lord, please work the lawnmower. Lord, i am tired and i don't want to deal with this." etc....

all at once, the mower just took off. no hesitation, nothing. i am THANKING God, and praising him and smiling as i mow! my lawn is about the size of a postage stamp, it takes about 10-12 minutes to mow. and as i am nearing the end, about 90% done, it starts to sputter. and slow, and speed, and slow. "dear Lord, please help me finish this lawn!!

just as i came around the last curb, that last strip of unmown grass, i feel the power going. as i finish up, the mower is nowhere near working right. i see liquid (gas?) coming out the side...doh. looks like a trip to the lawn mower doctor (whoever THAT is) is in order for sure.

however, i am wondering why for 10 minutes, it mowed PERFECTLY. you see, it is broken. not sure what the problem is, but it's broken. and yet, with the power of PRAYER, it ran perfectly just long enough for me to accomplish the task. not forever, but for what needed to be done. manna for the yard. for the moment. all that i needed.

seems like there might be a God lesson in there, ya think?

:) happy Monday!


Unknown said...

Prayer is a powerful thing, and it works in EVERY part of our life, don't you think?

As I type this the hubby is mowing, 'er re-mowing the yard that I mowed a few days ago. Guess I had it on the wrong level? Did you know mowers had levels?

I do, now.

Karen said...

Great lesson for a Monday! Thanks, Bob.

carey said...

oh, i love this story much more than the story about no billing :) but THAT story also has a power of prayer motif, and i can't wait to read it today!