Friday, November 28, 2008

full but not quite

i hope everybody had a great day yesterday, turkey turned out fine, but it had to bake an extra hour...not sure why. it seemed kind of not worth it in the end, but perhaps i had just hoped for something better. i do that a lot :)

otherwise, it was a quiet, peaceful day. i think knowing we have the next several days "off" together makes for the contentment. luckily, i avoided the black friday mess, as a result of staying up way too late last night. thank goodness for that, i did not really want to go shopping today.

i'm gettting to be more and more "anti" when it comes to shopping ... although selfishly not for SOME luxuries, like books and craft supplies and art. i have to remember that for phil, video games ARE art :) ha. but even so, it's difficult to tell him what i want for christmas without saying "everything, but nothing."

i guess because christmas is not about shopping. hands down. if i read one more "review" from somebody who hates the holidays because it seems hollow, i will scream. if it seems hollow, IT IS. christmas is meant for celebrating Christ, no matter how much we twist it around! oh yeah, the family love, and the warm lights and the food and festivities and shopping ARE good. but they are not GOOD ENOUGH. and if we look for satisfaction in just those things, we will still be left with longing.

so, i'm still a little hungry, i admit. not sure how to go about filling up this year. i hope to donate to something/someone in a meaningful way. there are way too many people in need, so choosing will not be a problem. but shifting my mental state from "me" to "we" and looking at my fellow man and loving them as myself can sometimes be a shake. i'm asking the Lord to shake me, and make me love extra hard this christmas. i'm sure He does not disappoint in giving that kind of gift in full :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

countdown to turkey day

number of trips to the grocery store: 3

number of pies baked for big day so far: 1

number of pies that did not make it past the "midnight snack" or "just one slice for breakfast" stage: 1

number of pies left to bake: 1, 2 or 3 depending on energy consumed in process

number of almost-sliced-off fingers in baking process: 1

number of dishes yet to prepare: 27

morning's left until you have to BAKE A FREAKING TURKEY:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

how to make ...

a cat bed.

when i googled the above, this seriously came up!

SOMEBODY must know i have 17 empty suitcases in the basement, eh?

w. o. w.

have you guys checked out this baking site?

i think it's one of the best on the web...

Monday, November 24, 2008

one down

ah, well, now that the crazy, busy, nutso, not-ready-for-monday morning has passed, i have time to sit and reflect on the weekend.

not much to report, except that Phillip and i happened to be at the mall, buying some $300 not-very-fun tires to replace what we THOUGHT was a flat,

and we happened upon THIS.

those crazy kiosks do it every time. who doesn't need a weasel ball, i say?!

shhhhh. don't tell siesta, it's her first stocking stuffer :)

jack's back

oh, jack bauer, how i love thee. funny how you hear EXTREME opinions about the tv series "24" - people either love it or hate it (kinda like vampires, i guess - te he)...

i'm in the "love" camp for sure. and last night's return to tv after a long absence was JUST what i needed. the 2-hour showing of "redemption" was awesome!

when we last saw jack, he was heading to africa, after being wrongly (sort of wrongly, anyway) run out of the country for a really BIG crime. he was once again alone and on the run. maybe that is why i love him. redemption happens in africa, i guess, as the title implies. the movie is almost a carbon copy of parts of "blood diamond" which i also loved...lotsa love here.

okay, back to jack. not sure what the appeal is. maybe it's that he is the kind of hero who ALWAYS saves the day. it's not his fault that everybody he loves ultimately dies! just bad timing, i guess :)

last night, in the middle of all the drama, i said to phil "aren't you just GLAD that jack is in da house?"

:) he he. can hardly wait till january, when the series returns for good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

protein power

well, i did it for the FIRST time yesterday!

not alot of firsts at 46, so i'll celebrate the day i ordered my first turkey to cook for thanksgiving. oh boy. kind of scary, no?

i am also a bit scared of all the recipes out there. i just bought one of those "bags" and a cute little roaster at walmart for $9.

i think i am set.

well, except for the mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, biscuits, cranberry salad, pecan and pumpkin pie!

what are y'all havin'?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

not gonna do it

well, it's almost thanksgiving, which means i am KIND OF SORT OF starting to think of christmas. i love christmas. the cookies, the lights, the love, all of it. however, i dread thinking of the gift giving. dread it. not because i don't like giving gifts, because i do. but because i am such a loser procrastinator that i NEVER seem to give the gift i really want to give. you cannot do that, if you wait til the night before you are seeing the person, and then run to the mall.

this year, i vow to NOT DO THIS.

i mean it. actually, i have pretty much given up malls year around...i just never really go there. well, maybe twice so far this year. pretty funny for a girl who used to need a new outfit about twice a week!

anyway, that leaves options. best option: making things to give. best time to start best option: waaaaaaaay sooner than now. however, i am determined to make a few gifts. i have a measly start, and need to get some supplies for some other ideas i have.

2nd best option: buying online. i know, that is kind of impersonal. however, i LOVE when a box comes from amazon. or some amazing etsy artist. everybody would love that sort of thing, right?

i need some help here. let me know your favorite place to christmas shop. the sooner you reply, the better :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

botched plan

since you guys are used to my "boasting" about all my home decorater projects, thought i'd show you my latest extravaganza, er, mistake. perhaps it's just because i was starting to get accustomed to NO draperies. perhaps it's because i am reminded of Tara when i look at them. perhaps it's because i hung them about 4" too high, so they look like "highwater" curtains...

i don't know. but the new drapes bug me. i started with the best intentions. chocolate brown velvet. rich and creamy and warm for winter. they came in the mail. oops. a little TOO dark and rich. oh well, can always paint a wall to match them. then, the thought that they looked a little too naked. so i decided to add the green. i was contemplating adding more pattern, but dang, i have alot of pattern going on in that room.

long story short, i ended up with this. you never know. if rhett butler ever stops over, i'm all set to make him feel at home.

but before i go, lest you should think i've completely lost my touch. the infamous afghan, all laid out on the kitchen floor. oh. my.

this photo was taken over a week ago. i have gotten a little waylaid by the sewing of the squares together. perhaps this photo will inspire me to press onward!

Monday, November 17, 2008

communal living

after spending the weekend with kirsten, i am starting to think about the benefits of communal living. how GREAT it would be to have a woman friend living in your house with you all of the time! to commiserate! to chat when the man-folk just want to play video games! to actually offer to help! to compliment you on nearly everything!

yes. the weekend was good. yes, we sat around alot and crocheted, but also visited and shopped too. and slept. did alot of good sleeping.

however, being the ding dong i am, i forgot to take any photos. i have asked for one of THESE for christmas, not that it would help me remember to use it.

thanks kirst :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the visitor

well, she is on her way. or soon to be on her way.

so excited.

i'm sure very soon we'll be headed here:

and we might even do some of this:

and for SURE a bunch of this:

and probably even more of this:

cannot WAIT!

happy early weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

end of the spear

yesterday phil had the day off because of the weather, and i ended up taking most of the afternoon off with "post-big-meeting-relief" and laziness.

we ended up watching "end of the spear" finally. i think it came out 2 years ago? dunno.

anyway, it was a good flick. of COURSE i cried at the end. if you have not heard of the movie, it's about 5 christian missionaries who are killed by a remote ecuadorian tribe in the 50s. with a twist, of course.

the little boy in the movie totally TOTALLY reminded me of the oldest j boy. i think that made the movie better for me. although it's not a movie for little kids, if you are a big kid you should watch it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


okay, here is something i gotta try. isn't that fantastic?

Monday, November 10, 2008

too good

ever meet somebody and think "man, they are so good, i don't even deserve to know them?"

the guy who took this photo is one of those people to me. he went to humble sdsu just like the rest of us, but somehow he stands out a little among most of those that i knew. his talent is just so amazing, i could look at his work all day. from landscape stuff to sports and just about any kind of people shot you can imagine. greg finds a way to make everything look good...

and yes, i stole this photo from his blog :)

whatever is

on the heels of a tough emotional election week, i read a blog post the other day that picked a favorite scripture to sum things up.

i think i'll do the same today.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phillipians 4:8

whatever is true?
in this time of uncertainty in our world, i believe that Jesus is true. He was, is, and is to come. and the security i get from knowing that is the TRUEST of truth i have ever experienced.

whatever is honorable?
my cute husband-to-be is honorable. after many, many years of not living honorably, he has made the choice to do so. he is a different man than he was. he is learning to live the life God meant for him, and that is honorable. i am grateful for his choice.

whatever is just?
treating people as you would like to be treated is just. it's good to remember, as we enter this season of giving. democrat or republican, black or white, it's "just" to offer a hand when we can. i hope that we all can find ways to practice that over the holiday season.

whatever is pure?
life, and the joy of experiencing new life. on the heels of the defeat of the abortion ban here in SD, a sweet friend has announced she is pregnant. and her baby-to-come is a pure joy to all of us that love her. thank you Lord!

whatever is lovely?
today, after i read her blog post, i think that chris is lovely, and her little furry friends are, too. susan is lovely too, in her tribute to her wonderful grandma. isn't loving lovely?

whatever is commendable?
the presence of good, and the acknowlegement of choosing it, is commendable. in these days of "talk tv," it's commendable to spend our words wisely. to speak of things that build up, rather than tear down. that's my hope for myself this week – to focus on the good, and to become a person that makes this world better.

happy monday all!

Friday, November 07, 2008

flipping over

with a couple of inches of snow under my belt,

a new anthropologie christmas email in my inbox,

an almost finished afghan on my lap,

and one more day in a horrendously long week to make it thru,

i guess i am finally giving in to the season.
so far, so good.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

random acts

this has been a strange week. maybe it's all the talk of the election and "change" - or maybe it's the rumble around town that the bad economy has finally hit our little sheltered city.

dunno. but i've had some anxiety. the phone has not rung for a few weeks, and even though i am still "cranking" on some projects i had going, i have nothing coming up for the forseeable future (i take that back, a current client just called with a small job this morning).

why, oh why do i worry so? i have had a FABULOUS year. i was able to finance a big chunk of a new car, new appliances and new windows for mabel - without DEBT. that is amazing.

i have NEVER ever advertised. kind of funny for a girl in advertising, eh? but seriously, God has provided great clients for almost 7 years now. always. faithfully, to my amazement.

worry is dumb. i know this, and still.

so, i had set aside some $$ for a new couch. i finally found one at slumberland this past week on sale. but now, i feel too scared to buy it. maybe i feel guilty for all the stuff i already have. i don't know. is living with the old couch an impossibility? as you can see, siesta likes it. a LOT. :)

arrrrrrgh. pray for God's peace to come to me today, will ya? the world and its shifting sand is getting to me.

in other news, i have 115 squares done! i am darned amazed at me. i really enjoy granny squares, who knew? going to 121 and then we'll see if i need to make more. sigh. happy.

snow is coming, but right now it's sunny and beautiful out! thank you LORD for the wonderful fall we have had!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

gettin' ready

hey all,

now that the election is over, it's time to get ready for winter. good thing, 'cause the first "winter storm" is set to hit SD in the next couple of days. so hard to believe, it's still in the 60s/almost 70 degrees here!

anyway, phillip and i have devised a plan. we are going to watch "Northern Exposure" from beginning to end (that is, if we can afford the dang blasted dvds).

if you can't already figure it out, both he and i are "tv" people. i grew up in rural SD LOVING my tv. loving it. to be honest, i did not have a normal childhood where i stayed over with friends, or socialized after school. but yes, i did have tv. and i did make friends there.

still, it's no wonder i love working at home and commiserating with you blog friends so much, eh?

well. i am excited. i HOPE the series is half as good as i remember it being. i hate how goofy stuff looks sometimes, when you look back. but my gut tells me that john corbett will NEVER go out of style :))

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

beam me up

today is the final day (supposedly) of beautiful, sunny 70 degree november weather. tomorrow is supposed to be 35 degrees colder, and rainy/snowy.

therefore, one of us thinks finding a sunbeam to lay in is a very very important thing to do.

i think i'll take her cue, and get my work done asap so that i can go spend a bit of time outside this afternoon :)

i'm voting for him

well, today is finally the big day. we've all grown kind of weary of the hype, and just want to get on with it, already.

last night our worship group prayed for 3 hours about the election, and it left me thinking about what i'm voting for. WHY i'm voting today, what it means to me.

i am voting for life. first and foremost, i'm voting for the right to life. i know, some people want to put that right in a little box, off to the side, and talk about the economy and healthcare and stuff. in my heart, i know that isn't the way it should be. i want to respect that life is an undeniable right that we all have, it's a tenet of our republic.

i am voting for people who want to see this land restored. revitalized. reshaped. i guess maybe all the candidates want that. it's just that i am voting for candidates who know that apart from God, they cannot do the big things that need to be done. it's hard to separate that factor out with a lot of the people you see. sometimes, you feel like you have NO choice, even though we always do.

i am recognizing that God set each person running for office into the position that they hold today, as well as tomorrow. he designs things for a purpose. he is not out of control, and he still knows the way, the good way. whether or not the candidate(s) that in my head i feel are the right ones win, i know that he has a plan for good, if we will submit and turn to him. that will never change, no matter who wins or loses. whichever candidate wins, we as americans should honor and respect that person, and pray for their righteousness. i'm voting for that.

i guess when it all comes down to it, i'm voting for hope. that's been a big buzz word in this election, but i think it's been a misdirected word, a hollow term. our hope can only come from one source. and i pray that today he shows himself to us, and leads us in the ways we should go.

guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my
hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:5

happy election day, everyone.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

for cassie

go get yourself a bread machine, girl. you will never be sorry :) it's almost as easy as ordering out!

here is our "friday night tradition" pizza:

Bread Machine Pizza Dough

cup water
teaspoons olive oil or cooking oil
cups bread flour
teaspoon salt
teaspoon active dry yeast or bread machine yeast
Cornmeal (optional, but i think it's good to use)


Add all of the ingredients except cornmeal to a 1-1/2- or 2-pound bread machine according to the manufacturer's directions. Select the dough cycle. When the cycle is complete, remove dough from machine. Punch down. Cover and let rest 10 minutes.

For thin-crust pizza: Divide dough in half. For each pizza, grease an 11- or 12-inch pizza pan or a large baking sheet. If desired, sprinkle pan with cornmeal. On lightly floured surface, roll 1 portion of dough into a 12- or 13-inch circle. Transfer to prepared pan, building up edge slightly. Prick crust with a fork. Do not let dough rise. Bake in a 425 degree F oven 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Add desired topping. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes more or until edge of crust is golden brown and the topping is bubbly.

For thick-crust pizza: Grease a 13- or 14-inch pizza pan. If desired, sprinkle greased pan with cornmeal. With greased fingers, pat dough into prepared pan, building up the edge. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30 to 45 minutes or until nearly double. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Add desired topping. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes more or until the topping is bubbly.Makes 6 servings.

good time to start

did you know that today is the start of
National Novel Writer's Month?


anybody interested?!
