you see, the water heater broke sometime earlier in the week, maybe even over the weekend when i was gone. i did not really notice it until later in the day monday, when i was trying to wash dishes. i am pretty sure i showered monday morning. not totally sure, tho :)

what i do know is that hot water is a nice thing to have. here's my current method of getting it. a tea kettle, 5 qt pan, and canning pot. i admit, they have done a pretty good job for me thus far. this morning (after last night, when the plumber mentioned it might take " a few days" for the broken part to get here) was my first attempt at old school bathing. i heated up all the assorted pots full of water on the stove, dumped them one by one in the bathtub, and added the water from the tap til it was super perfect. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. that was one welcome bath.
i guess God has been showing me the blessing in the every day things. i mean, how many people in the world do you think have a hot shower/bath every day anyway? less than half, i bet. less than 25%? less than 10%? who knows. not to mention the fact that i have WATER, and a stove to heat it, and lights to turn on so i can heat it at night. for heaven's sake, people, we have so much.
this season, when i see a homeless person, i am going to pray that God blesses them with a hot bath or shower that day. because i know that they would really enjoy the special treatment.
I thanked Him for (clean) hot water today :)
it is something we Americans take for granted.
Along those lines, did you hear about the Australian guy who won some innovation award for creating a solar oven out of plexi-glass and tinfoil. It cost him $5 and now they are using it in 3rd- world countries to heat and sanitize water!
Ok that would be worse than being without internet, definitely worse.
oh cher. i would boil water for WEEKS before i would go a day without the internet!! that thought even occurred to me "well, at least i still have internet"
how sad is that.
jill. have not heard about the guy. but wow. he is making a huge difference.
So? Hot water today?
I do agree about the internet. I'm finding that I have to set limits for myself or the whole stupid day gets sucked into the world wide web.
nope. not yet. hopefully sometime tomorrow, i guess. if not, it will be next week! yowza!! note to self. don't let your hot water heater break when the region is under a very cold spell....he is busy fixing frozen pipes, and i think that might be why it is taking awhile.
it's all good. hair is kinda flat, but i don't smell too bad yet ;)
aw, man. you can always drive over here for a shower! i do empathize. hot water is a gift. i will think of you when i shower up today.
I think I'm going to not shower today in your honor. That, and I'm still pouting about yesterday.
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