Wednesday, July 02, 2008

smile. the veggies are here.

yesterday i picked the first cucumber from the garden. i have 5 hills of them, which look to be doing pretty well. this is a variety i got from seeds of change last year. they are called satsuki madori, and are of course asian. i have no idea why i bought asian cucumbers. but the package says they are a long, narrow variety with few seeds. i picked this one a day or two early, because i was impatient, but it was probably 9 or 10 inches long.

it was yummy. i eat cucumbers like i eat potato chips. sliced with just a bit of salt. once i've had my fill of them, which will probably take a LONG time, i plan to make some sweet pickle chips for snacking in the wintertime.


DeAnn said...

I always think people that can grow cucumbers like that are so cool! And I think people that eat them like potato chips are even cooler! I can't eat a cucumber if someone paid me to do it. Nope, not a cucumber fan but wish I was. I still love drooling over the way they grow though. Looks like yours are turing out beautifully. So go one or two for me!

K~ said...

Hey bob, I think that looks like a happy cucumber! Love the fabric. To answer you question....nastursiums???


Karen said...

That is a beautiful cucumber! You know what we love to put on ours? Herbamare, which I so wish you would buy, because it's so so so yummy. I grilled veggies last night with evoo and Herbamare. Mmmmmmmm.

Pics are up.

Unknown said...

I do so love a good cuke.

We have much trouble growing them here. I think we don't water enough.

Anonymous said...

hey, that looks exactly like the cucumbers i ate when i lived in china. no joke.

over there, they slice them, toss with red wine vinegar and a few hot peppers, then serve cold. it's really yummy.

enjoy your cuke!

Chris said...

Bobbi, you know I am envious of your green thumb! Please come here and take care of my flower beds, they need you!!