Saturday, July 19, 2008

garden update

it's that time of the year i always WAIT and wait for. when i look out at the back forty and think to myself "good Lord, what have i done?" things are looking pretty lush around here, thanks to almost an inch of beautiful rain over the last two days. call me hardcore, but i don't water my garden, especially flowers, that much. except for pots (which i have a bazillion of) and my tomatoes and peppers, everything else is kinda on its own.

i sort of lose it with the weeds this time of year, too. hopefully, by next year at this time, i'll have all of the extraneous sod in the back yard dug up and replaced with walking paths and mulch. that will help the look of things immensely. but i seem to filter the weeds, and just focus on the good stuff anyway. hmmmm. wish i could carry that over into other parts of my life.
not a ton of new perennials, although some are just starting. these are phlox from my neighbor adrian's yard. he is my gardening hero, but doesn't have a ton of flowers. he gave me these last spring, and i love them.
this straggly old begonia came from my aunt in brookings this spring. it's now about 3 feet wide, and set on taking over the world.
the cutting garden is starting. funny how things don't look like they do on the package :) but hopefully they will keep going and become more fruitful now that it has rained.
i used to have a bunch of these big daisies, and most of them died. i love the 5" blossoms! must try to find more next year...
the ivy on the house really took off this year. probably next year, i'll have to start giving it haircuts, or i will not be able to enter the front door.
waiting....waiting....waiting for my favorite orange day lilies. they are planted facing north, and always bloom, but not until later. anticipation!!!
the porch makes me happy :) let's see how many coleus i try to save from the jaws of frozen death this year, only to let them die in the basement in january :)) perhaps i will just savor them now.

happy weekend everybody!


Karen said...

Oh, how I lovelovelove the BackForty! Last year I was just plain envious, but now that I have some soil of my own...oh the possibilities! The fact that you don't water so much and let the weeds be (although I do have slave labor for that) encourages me. I think I can do this! Well, you know, not BackForty style, but maybe I can find a little KarenStyle of my own. :-)

Phlox is a really cool word.

cherk said...

I am jealous, I don't have a growing or sewing bone in my body which you have an abundance of.

Unknown said...

Looks great Bobbi! Very beautiful and relaxing.
Love your haircut too! Something I need to get done.
Hope all is well.

bobbione8y said...

you know, i sort of hate those uber-groomed yards where the people obviously either hire somebody to take care of it, or just have too dang much time on their hands :)

my garden is lived in. there are weeds and overgrown areas and dead stuff and viney things everywhere. it feels like home to me, and i am sure whatever your garden turns out like, it'll be a reflection of that for you.

oh how i wish i were there to dream and plant with you. i would love to give you some plants though, look for a fed ex in the springtime, okay?!

bobbione8y said...

ps. you too, stromer. i would love to garden with you, i love your cute little home from the pics you have shown so far :))

Chris said...

Oh Bobbi, I need you! You know I am so jealous of your green thumb. Maybe my problem with weeds is that I water to much! I water every day, and I have en abundance of weeds to show for it. I also have some very pretty flowers, if the weeds weren't over powering people could actually enjoy them. I will be posting some of my beauties sometime this weekend.

Karen said...

Wahoo!! I.can't.wait. There really is so much possibility here. I'll take pictures soon. really would be better if you came here.

I'm just sayin'.