Friday, May 02, 2008

morning after. or before.

every year when i go back to the garden again, i feel like the old lady in the neighborhood who hasn't cleaned up her yard in twenty years. it seriously gets pretty bad back there. last year was ESPECIALLY BAD because i planted big ole plants in almost every nook. most of my geriatric peers in the neighborhood clear off their gardens in the fall. i like leaving the brush, with the thought that the decomposition that takes place over the winter is good for the soil. i also like creating bunny shelter, although i am paying for it now as they are eating every blessed thing that is growing!

anyway, the burning idea was a godsend. i know it may not be great for the ozone, but the alternative is to bag and haul to the landfill, and i don't think that is so hot, either. so, i'll continue to chop and burn through the weekend. except for if it blizzards. which it will, because it's already happening in rapid city.

i like life on the land though! after i got most of the brush cleared off the garden yesterday and things are ready to rototill, i felt happy!


Karen said...

Is it blizzarding??

Chris said...

I'm with you, I like to wait pretty much for spring too to clear everything out. Looks great when it is done!