i am so excited today i can hardly stand it!!!!
tonite, phil and i will start attending a teaching of The Truth Project at our church. if you have NOT heard of this project, please go check it out:
The whole idea behind this project, is to talk about how christians in our culture are missing out on a biblical worldview, and thusly look alot like non-christians in most ways. so, this study is billed as "the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective." it's a way for christians to take a look at themselves, and see what areas of their lives have a secular view vs. a biblical view. and hopefully to transform them to look more like the Lord.
oh yes! that is what i want! i want to not just walk around and talk about Jesus, but really LOOK different because i understand how the bible applies to life and our world today! i want to know how to DO life with the bible as the core of my life and choices and actions. i want God to change me inside, and bring me closer to what i am meant to be here for.
anyway, i am excited. i'll keep you updated on what i am learning, for sure.
I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Dobson and Focus on the Family. Since I don't even have time to read a book (yet I have time to read blogs)I can't wait to hear about this...
Very interesting. I will check this out. K~
Chuck and his small group just started going through the Truth Project last week. He said it was great stuff. Our pastor is teaching on worldview right now too -- it's definitely an important issue these days.
hi ellen!
oh yeah, the Truth Project is making the rounds at several churches down here right now....SO exciting.
one more thing for us to talk about on friday, i guess :))))
So cool. I would love to do this with Moose. Keep us informed, ok?
I started it last year, but didn't finish it. I think you really have to be ready to look that hard into yourself, plus it is very heavy. Too heavy for 7 tom 9 pm for me after a long day at work, that was when my church had it. I hope to try it again though, it really does make you think. Bobbi, you really sound ready for this one, and I can't wait to hear your take on it.
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