Tuesday, January 22, 2008

let the games begin

wow, my brain works like clockwork.

in early DECEMBER, the seed catalogues started rolling in. and i thought "that is just plain nuts" and filed them away.

now that january is nearly history, i am playing a different tune. last night i got out all the catalogues, and a rush of excitement went through me! oh. so. pretty.

and hopeful too. especially with the thermometer registering -7 degrees this morning. but, like any good marathon runner, i know that this last painful stretch is right BEFORE the sweet finish line.

this year, the boy and i will quite likely be very busy. but i hope not too busy to plant a beautiful vegetable garden, and perhaps modify the side gardens, which are kind of losing their glamour.

oh. and i want a tree. many trees actually, but a big new tree for the boulevard, and maybe a small fruit tree of some sort for the back yard.

tingle tingle tingle.

that's me, just thinking about it :)

1 comment:

Chris said...

I know, Spring! I am finding myself starting to think about all the outside projects that I OD'd on last year, that I am ready to take on again. That's why we have seasons I guess.