so, i've had the new appliances for 4 whole days. it took all of day 1 to hook the stove up, day 2 to clean up around it so it looked good, day 3 to get over the fact that if you touch it you mess it up, and day 4 to finally bake a loaf of something in it. i'm not crazy about how the beer bread turned out, it never really browned on top?! hopefully a fluke.
oh. and the refrigerator is nice too. very empty, at the moment. looks like i need to go shopping.
oh. and naturally a day later, my microwave blew up, so back to Sears for a new microwave yesterday!!
craziness. but i am very happy with how pretty everything looks. now, if i could just get new tile, cupboards, lighting and all new accessories, it would be PERFECT.
sounds like time for a lesson in loving what you have!
Hmmmm. Did you pre-heat? Probably a fluke. Please don't tell me my dream oven isn't perfect.
Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh. So pretty.
very nice. it looks BIG. how do you like that bottom freezer thingy?
yes. pretty for sure. i need to bake something else though, and see how it works....am worried.
oh. and the stove top is slippery. the pots slide around on it. crap! does this mean i need heavier pots now?
refrig. is perfect. perfect is good :)
Very Very Nice! I want to see pics of the new frige and microwave too :-)! The problem may be, that you didn't try out the beer first to see if it was good enough for the bread. I recommend that :-) Also, in some ovens, you need it a bit closer to the elements to brown better. Not TOO close :-)!! K~
New pots? I love my Calphalon set. Just an idea. :-)
Don't give up on your PRETTY new oven! Every oven heats differently, it may take some time and a few mistakes to get to know how yous works. And k~ makes a great point. Always bake with beer! Or wine!
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