karen asked me to post a new pic. not sure this one is much better, but here ya go.
all week long, i've been thinking that andre the betta fish is ready to head for fish heaven. i know from having aquariums when i was a kid that when a fish starts to act a little bit sick, they are good as dead. usually means a day, maybe two.
now just take a look at andre. he is laying in his bowl halfway facing up! NOT good. funny thing is that he has been doing this ALL WEEK LONG. he still eats, and moves when siesta tries to bat him around the water. obviously though, he either lost his balance and is half floating, or just playing a mean trick on me.
NOT good. i wish i didn't worry about a fish, but i do.
too bad i can't lay hands on him to pray for him :)
Uh, yeah. Not what I had in mind.
Betas are weird fish, you never know what he's up to. Andre is probably just messing with your mind.
i figured you were going to scold me about "fish heaven" :)
i will write about the Truth Project soon, it's excellent but a little deep to post about without thinking first...!
Fish Heaven did cross my mind, but I figured I would give you a break since you were so worried about Andre.
Isn't there a passage in the bible about all God's creatures in Heaven? I swear there is. Lay hands on the jar, that may work. But, you are right....it's not good! Poor Andre.
haven't you people watched finding nemo? sheesh. andre is planning his ultimate escape, a ride on the porcelain express to freedom. he's sick of being batted around by siesta, and he wants to go find himself a beta chick.
that's my guess.
OOOHHH. Poor Andre. Not so happy looking. After owning 9 beta at one time, I can tell you that they are odd. I had some great escapes happen as Carey mentioned. Sadly, they didn't find their girlfish friend. I found them the next day as a crispy little "U" on the floor. I had one, that jumped out of his bowl twice. Both times in front of me...... Maybe he needs a fish friend in another bowl next to him, so he can fight with it. Oh never mind that, that's how you end up with 9. K~
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