so i was over at a client's store today, and i accidentally got to looking at the wedding rings. my client made me try some on!!
i. am. in. love.
with the rings, that is. this artist uses a combination of raw diamonds that have been mined and not cut (ie, rocks) combined with diamonds he finds at estate sales. aaaarrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh! i can not handle how pretty they are! so "me!"
now, if i can just print out an ad and place it so the husband-to-be thinks they are his idea!!
Wow, those are very unusal looking. I like! Maybe stick the flyer in his wallet or coat pocket.;)
those are really cool, so different. I have never seen anything like it before. I hope you get it!
yeah. i just had to show him the ad i made for them.
he seemed to like them too, we are both a little "off the beaten path" i guess, and want something different.
will keep you posted :)
Whooo hoooo!
I like.
you don't beat around the bush with these things. you say "honey, i found the ring of my dreams. this is the address, this is the person you talk to. these are the car keys. have fun."
the rings are so you i can't stand it.
You don't take chances with something like this. Don't beat around the bush. Tell him that if he wants you to say "I do" then he better be holding one of those suckers in his hand when the time comes.
:-) SO pretty.
oh, thanks for the note of approval :)
yeah, i think he gets it about how to do this, but of course, you never can be too sure...i'm praying God will help him with the decision, and me with the reaction :) ha.
I have a feeling that it will be (italics)perfect(italics). :-)
They are so nice. I think that you should drop him off in the artists store, and just leave him there with the exact amount of money in his hands with a photo of the one you want. He can just do the rest. :-)K~
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