Tuesday, June 29, 2010


i was at the grocery store the other day and wanted some 'sun porch' reading, so i picked up a copy of mother earth news.

okay. wow. this magazine is just up my alley :) yeah, sure, there are some hippy dippy things about global warming, and plants being on the same par as humans, that don't jive with my beliefs exactly.

however, it's been a long time since i read a whole magazine cover to cover. i now feel good about not using pesticides in my garden, because that makes me cool. i also have a shopping guide for how to pick the best garden hoe. and when i get time, i am most certainly going to look into getting my guinea chicken coop set up, and building my yurt retreat in the mountains/trees!

sigh. i decided to order a subscription. hopefully, it is compostable :))

and yes, life is good.


carey said...

my brother used to live next to a yurt. the people who lived there pooped outside in a hole.

just saying.

ah, these blogs are fun aren't they?

bobbione8y said...

i knew you would pipe up about the yurt.

i will live in a deluxe yurt, with a fancy 'hole' to p*** in.

so there ;)

cherk said...

a yurt? I am thinking it is somekind of tent? I probably would have liked it in my younger days:)

Anonymous said...

I just want to know if you're going to "Make the BEST CHEESE You've Ever Tasted!" I'm intrigued by that...

I like your hippy dippy-ness. :)

bobbione8y said...

:) i just pulled that graphic off the web, i WISH i had the cheese issue!!

might have to hunt some back issues at the library for that one...!

yeah cher. a yurt is a newfangled tent/tepee. they are cool.

Rea said...

There are some pretty fancy yurts out there. However I'm thinking yurts are not exactly winter compatible here. But then, that's just my heat-lovin' self talking.

In the interets of recycling you can always pass on your old issues to me when you're done with them.

(And I can remember my dad reading Mother Earth News when I was a kid. Closet hippies, we are.)

K~ said...

jealous of the Chickens. hope that goes well. Love the Rocks. Also, I will look for this Mag, if I get out of my little fenced in world to a store and not a meeting. K~

Karen said...

I can't help but think what Dr. Seuss might have living in a yurt.

You need to friend my sissy on FB. She has entered the world of chicken-farming/owning/cooping, or whatever it is you do with chickens. Beware: it appears to be addictive. She's now collecting them, like, er, clocks, or succulents..