today it is quiet, and a peaceful day here on the back forty. a great day for the National Day of Prayer. i think that we as Christians need to be tuned in to the importance of being allowed to observe this day in honor of our Lord. because you know, that right is slowly being taken away. thank goodness you cannot take away the presence of the Holy Spirit, or the God who resides inside us!! a friend sent an eloquent email, it seems perfect for today. i pray peace and blessings and prosperity and love for all of my blog friends today :))
The Lord is our helper,
He is the one true God who is, who was and who will
always be eternally our help in times of trouble,
our provider,
grace giver,
mercy extender,
lover of our souls,
beautiful savior,
exalted forgiver of all our sins,
mighty God,
all wise God,
teacher and advocate.
He is our peace,
our righteousness,
strength, truth and way;
He is gentle, kind,
sustainer and keeper,
King of all Kings,
Lord of all Lords,
refuge and solid rock.
His Love Never Fails,
He never fails,
He has the victory,
His plan will endure,
His love will endure,
He will have the final say
AND He holds you in the palm of His hand.
Cast your eyes upon the Lord
and abide IN Christ
and He will draw near to you.
thanks for the reminder. no wind and a little rain...i bet it is a beautiful day on the backforty.
I love that prayer.
I totally forgot it was the Day. Totally. I have been, though, seeing how I was stuck in a room full of sixth graders all day.
Thanks for including me in your prayers.
yep, praying for franklin graham today...it is amazing how far down this country is going....i am proud of him for saying what needs to be said.
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