Friday, November 10, 2006

chunky again

well, i have new hair again, this time it is not exactly what i was expecting, but it does match alot of my outfits :)

Tammy, my hairstylist, is a wonderful woman. she is tall and youthful and beautiful. she has a nose piercing that is really pretty, and is way way more hip than me. i think she is finally at the point of comfortableness in our relationship, that she does what she wants with me!

usually, she calls it something exotic, like "adding dimension" or "giving it texture" or even just "chunking it" which is not really all that flattering.

i kind of prefer just calling it what it is, which is what phillip does when he says "hey, babe, i see you went for stripes again" when he sees my head.



Chris said...

I like it!

Karen said...

I like it chunky! How did you take that pic? How on EARTH do you get your pics to go in your posts? For the love of all that is good and holy, help me out!

carey said...

stripes are good, right? cuz tammy girl sure did a number on this mother of two. i think she wants to try to make us as cool as she is...

DeAnn said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! I hear ya about the "stripes" husband has said the same thing. They just don't understand the whole dimension thing...poor guy!