Thursday, November 16, 2006

break time

well, it must be that time of the day again, when slacker creatives like to walk around the office and bug everybody because they don't feel like working...oh carey, how i miss being able to come over to your little blue cube :))

so, in lieu of actual officemates to bother, i just went and got the mail, ate a cookie, woke up the cat and petted him, and wrote JESUS in a funky font i found this morning.

is it 5:00 yet?


carey said...

i'm all for 10 to 2 workdays. with an hour lunch. and two cookie breaks.

Cassie said...

oh... am I supposed to be working longer than 3 hours IN A ROW??? oops :o)

bobbione8y said...

hey, you two should be friends :))