Monday, July 12, 2010


it started last march - you guys know how i get in march...

well, way back then, in a semi-light-deprived-state, i applied for a job. doing something i've never done before. but always kind of thought about. but somehow life got in the way.

a teaching job.

me - a teacher!

wow. that is kind of a leap. except that it really isn't. i've always loved education. i was one of those little kids who ALWAYS got excited about the first day of school. i loved going to sdsu back in the early 80s. i loved working at sdsu as my first job of college back in the late 80s.

i even applied to go back to school for a master's degree way back in 1993. except that lawrence and schiller came along, and since i was driving a 1980 vw rabbit at the time that seemed about ready to expire, i took the steady income instead of the sureness of more poverty on the way to a teaching career.

funny how sometimes, God remembers things that you almost forgot.

so this fall, i will get a do-over. a chance to see if teaching is for me....with a temporary position at sdsu, which makes it all the sweeter. except that it's here in SF, which makes the commute quite nice.

i will do 2 classes this fall, and 2 this spring. i am quite nervous, but trying not to think about it.

and if i happen to like it, i may get a chance to be a broke graduate student all over again! whew. somehow that sounds kind of romantic. except for the broke part :))

so, prayers are welcome. i sent the acceptance letter in on saturday. i prayed a quick prayer that God would help me with my decision, for better or for worse. which He always does.

and once again, i am excited for fall and 'back to school.' :))


K~ said...

Hey Bob. I am so excited for you. I think you will do great. Weren't you supposed to be in Minnesota some time in July or was that August? OR did I miss a blog. Better go back a bit further. Have a great day. K~

bobbione8y said...

thanks kirst! i am glad things are finally getting close here - we are going to duluth in early august!! can hardly wait!

hope all is well.

overcaffeinatedkatie said...

Congratulations! You will be great! Give them lots of homework.

Cassie said...

i want to come take all your classes :o)

Cassie said...

i want to come take all your classes :o)

Anonymous said...

I want to come too! I'll be one of those over-eager non-trads who sits in the front row and asks WAY too many questions. :)

bobbione8y said...

my idea is to give everyone a B+ at first, then either add or take away as the semester continues :))

ha! i have no idea! frightening.

Unknown said...

I think you will be an excellent teacher. Wish I could be in your class.

Good luck!

cherk said...

I am so in awe-it takes enormous strength to change in midstream-I hope you are teaching something you love

carey said...

you do not want me in your graphic design classes--i still remember the train wreck i caused in that class back in 1992. BUT i know the students will love you and you will change their lives. i have a feeling they will do the very same for you. can't wait for the rest of the adventure...and just so ya'll know, she is NOT leaving me:) we'll still be working together between classes. schwew!

bobbione8y said...

thanks everyone for the support - i need it, yikes!

yes, i forgot to mention that of course, i will be teaching graphic design courses (that is the easy part) and of course, i did not quit my 'day job' as this is just a part-time endeavor for now!

Rea said...

How awesome! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

The next big question, of course, is what you're going to wear on the first day of school, but you've got some time to figure that out... :)