Sunday, March 16, 2008

us vs. the sink

or is it we vs. the sink?

at any rate, the wrestlin' match with the new sink happened this weekend. here's the score:

number of times to local handyman store: 3

number of times i wanted to send phillip home and hire a professional plumber: 2

number of broken items in process: 1 (broken ceramic chicken, don't ask)

number of swear words used: 1 or 2

number of bruised knees from bending on bathroom floor all weekend: 4

satisfaction with final product (and the plumber extraordinaire): 5 stars



Karen said...

Oh so glad you've had a lovely weekend, too!

The sink looks wonderful. I'm sure this is some kind of analogy of married life, so you'd best take notes.

Humans vs. the sink?
People vs. the sink?
Vetters vs. the sink?

Unknown said...

Well, you made it through a home improvement project. That is a good thing, probably one of the hardest times of married life, working together on a project where you both think you are right, but neither of you actually have a least that's the way it is in my house.

bobbione8y said...

yeah. it was quite a time. the sink turned out, but somehow alot of other things did not. my car got a nasty dent/paint scratch in the back somehow, his nice 1 year old bike got stolen at starbucks, i got the flu, and my computer overheated and the speakers blew out.

marriage testing 101 :)

K~ said...

I love the sink. I do need to know about the chicken though.



OR, get him an old granny one.
