Friday, March 14, 2008

cough syrup and music

ah. there is nothing quite like "the morning after."

i am in a rock star / God-induced stupor today after the third day show last night.

love. that. band.

some of my favorite memories:

kristie swigging cough syrup between acts, as we ALL have some kind of "crud" in our systems from the long SD winter

phillip and i holding hands and singing together

mac powell doing .... everything mac powell does :)

praising God and true, genuine worship midway thru. NOTHING like being together with other believers and worshipping boldly

seeing my friend doug, who is battling cancer and was there to meet up with the boys in the band, courtesy of some string pulling by friends

watching a young guy SING his heart out with mac after being pulled up from the audience, and sure enough, he could sing very well, which made the crowd roar

anticipation of the next time...whenever that might be. kristie and i think "groupie" is on our list of things to be when we grow up



Karen said...

Aw, man. So jealous. It's probably really really wrong to be jealous of good worship, huh?

I love to think of you and Phillip holding hands and praising God.

Also, would like a report on Doug.

DeAnn said...

Wow. I got goosebuumps reading your blog. I can't imagine being surrounded by people all singing and praising to God. It's just not very often a person is in that atmosphere. Maybe it's a bit like what heaven is like.

I am so happy your got to experience it and with your man too. sounds like a perfect night.

K~ said...

That sounded like a most wonderful evening. I am so glad you guys got to go. K~