Wednesday, June 23, 2010

my check up

so, i guess i need to tell you guys about how much i am lovin' the new church. there are a couple things to love.

1 people that i know (already) and some that i want to know more.
2 a feeling of excitement on sunday morning that has been missing for the last couple of years.
3 chances to serve in my inbox every week - this week, i signed up for the booth we will have at both 'jazzfest' and 'hot harley nights' - yay for getting out into the community and not just talking about it or thinking about it, which is usually where i end up.
4 yesterday, when i got home from a kind of stressful 2-hour meeting about the whole rest of my life, i had a great message in my inbox. it's here if you want to read it/download it (on the top of the page, called summer spiritual check up).

i know to call on God during the day. and sometimes, i do. but this little pdf reminded me that God waits for me each day. and i go to Him not to 'get' something when i need it, but to BE with the God of the Universe. for relationship. the reason i am here. not the things that are going on that scare me or unsettle me, although those things become less obvious in the face of the One who came for me.

i loved this line from the pdf:

Stop. Rest. Delight. Contemplate.

which i did, right then. and which i plan to do today, and tomorrow.

God, You are so good to us! You know the plans You have for us, You know our hearts and our weaknesses. You go before us each and every day, and we worship You for the Strong Tower in our lives that you are. You are what matters most. You are our future, and our present. You are our hope and our delight. You are. thank You for reminding me of that yesterday, and thank You for mercy church, a place that encourages us to go deeper with You, and to find You as we seek You.

amen! happy hump day, ya'll.


cherk said...

Bobbi-I am glad that this new step for you is in a direction you are looking for. I love that you are getting out in the community, I know that is something you have been wanting to for a long time. I love the pdf line

Unknown said...


Don't you love it when things just click? Sounds like this was a part of the plan for a long time. I wonder how much He is beaming as you wrap your brain around what has been written.

What a wonderful opportunity for you and your soul:)

Karen said...

Oh! How did I miss this?

I need to post some good Jesus stuff. And some not-so-good church stuff.