Wednesday, December 08, 2010


i am currently trying to convince carey to make her own homemade butter toffee.

yes, folks, carey with molten-hot, lava-like liquid and a spatula.

i should send her a gift certificate to the ER for christmas, i guess ;)


carey said...

yes. i think it may beyond my culinary comfort zone. my rule is three ingredients and one pan. plus, i'd need to buy a candy thermometer and some cookie sheets that aren't all warped.

do they sell this stuff somewhere? :)

cherk said...

Ha ha this is funny! candy thermometers are a hazard-kind of like an 11 year old with a hot glue gun

Karen said...

I think you should videotape it!

Have you done it, Bob? I was actually thinking of giving it a try. It is a little intimidating.

bobbione8y said...

oh gosh no. easy. i cannot find my candy thermometer, and i'll probably make it anyway. it's a family tradition at my house, and mom just uses a bowl with cold water to test for doneness...

Unknown said...

I LOVE this. Never made it though...hmmmmm

Karen said...

How does cold water test the doneness?

Is doneness a word??

bobbione8y said...

Definition of DONENESS
: the condition of being cooked to the desired degree