Monday, July 26, 2010

monday update

i cannot believe it's been a week (almost) since i posted. i KNOW i was engaged in important activities last week that should have been documented. but, i kind of forgot what they were :)

summer. you suck the brains right out of my body.

i did upload all of the photos on my camera, which told a c0uple of stories...

my wardrobe is reminding me a lot of 1985 these days. tomorrow i have to head up to sdsu for some training on the classes. i think i should get out the hoop earrings, bangle bracelets, keds and this outfit, just to see if i scare the new boss into forgetting what decade it is! ha. i'm pretty sure there are some things that should not be resurrected.

zucchini don't like squash borers. this plant was beautious and fruitful just last week, but alas, it looks like my zucchini days are over for this summer.

i hope the butternut squash is not next. i'm going to go out and pray for it this morning, and ask God to protect it and bless me with soup this fall. even if i don't get soup, don't you LOVE the leaves? gorgeous. go away, squash bugs!

all in all, life = peaceful over here on the forty. i hope that God is shining down peace on you this week also!


Unknown said...

I thought of you yesterday when I found out JCPenneys had skinny jeans on clearance. It was a good deal, but I had to pass it up I just can't see my fat butt in skinny jeans.


Happy Monday, dearie!

cherk said...

Good luck with your trip to Brookings, What are borers? I think I have them or something that is moving in on my garden, I need the tomatoes to ripen quickly. We also have grasshoppers heading this way ack!

bobbione8y said...

thanks Cher! i am excited!!!!!!!!

as for squash borers, they are a nasty little worm that gets into the main stem of the plant, and kills it. sad part is you don't know they are there until it's too late.


Karen said...

I totally read "squash borders" and just assumed that you had planted squash by the zuchs and for some reason they did not like it.

I'm a genius.

I'm praying for you today! I am so so so excited for your adventure in academia!!!

cherk said...

not borers then, something is leaving nasty little white scabs and then my pepper was totally eaten from the inside out, I am bummed I don't think I will have anything to make pepper jelly with this year. The peppers are awful.